“Unearthing / In My Dreaming”
An audio-visual presentation, exploring concepts of dreamscapes, celestial structures, and the subconscious.
All visual elements were created using Processing and TouchDesigner.
PLAYHOUSE Graphic Design
Event poster and social media graphics
for The Common Ground's multi-media
Alix Page, Creative Collaborator
Graphic Design, Photography + Video, Animation, Creative Direction, Set
Design + Decoration.
2019 - present
"Whispered Words" Animation
Hand-painted animations for "Whispered Words" music video by Holdan.
Alix Page Goose EP, Cover Illustrations
+ "Automatic" Visualizer / Animation
Series of illustrations for Alix Page
Goose cover artwork and EP release.
Footage and animation for "Automatic"
single off of Goose EP.
Chloe Gallardo Defamator Album
Design + Creative Direction
Music by Chloe Gallardo
Vinyl, CD, t-shirt graphics, and poster.
"Bloodline" Lyric Video
Music by Chloe Gallardo
Directed by Natalie Minguez &
Chloe Gallardo.
FLUX_ Creative Grid Application
FLUX_ is a creative application that
uses a grid to generate modular systems
and randomly abstracted imagery by
using a variety of shapes, patterns, and
images. Coded in Processing.
"Last Dance" Music Video
Music by Chloe Gallardo
Directed by Natalie Minguez
& Chloe Gallardo.
"Pyramids," Code-Generated Posters
Code-generated posters using
Processing, inspired by visual artist
Stanley Donwood.
Illustrated Covers + Animated Music
Video for Daniel Leggs
Character conceptualization and
illustrated cover series for artist
Daniel Leggs.
Animated music video for "crutches"
by Daniel Leggs.
2022, 2023
"Basement (32)" Music Video
Music by Juniper Park
Directed by Natalie Minguez
& Nicholas Pigeon.
Juniper Park Poster Child
Photos, videos, and social media
graphics for Poster Child EP.
"How to Get Rid of the Monsters Under
Your Bed” Animation
Animated PSA on how to prevent
monsters under your bed.
*academic project, 2021
Little Blue Star Cassette Box Set
Box, two cassettes, a lyric booklet,
and a poster designed for musical artist, Little Blue Star.
*academic project, 2022
"Stop Climate Change" Poster Set
Poster set responding to the current climate crisis.
*academic project, 2022